Hart.volgers is a realistic e-health platform.

Hart.volgers wants an open dialogue between everyone that loves the heart. Or cares about it. Heart patients, family, medical staff. Everyone is welcome and free to ask anything they want to know. Hart.volgers makes it possible to get answers. With this way of communication there’s no more awkward 10 minute consults when there’s no room for more questions. Or where you might be overwhelmed by answers or news that is being told. Making you numb at the spot.


IIZT invented and created the platform for the best cardiologists of the Benelux. Hart.volgers is a no bullshit platform, where you go to if you have a question or issue and you cannot wait any longer to get an answer.


A recent example of how full of bullshit the communication in healthcare is, came out a recent survey we did around change in medication on the platform. Almost everyone that took part in the survey for Hart.volgers answered that they have experience with it. The most striking finding is that our cardiologists already had the feeling that something might be off. Through the intensity and sincere meaning of our platform, the users respond openly. It uncovers treasures that are otherwise neglected.

hartvolgers enquete

Good communication is not marketing. There’s no space for bullshit. Especially when it concerns your own health. Patients have the right to know what’s going on, to have open access to knowledge and specialists. The health care industry should embrace new ways of communication and understand that patients are way ahead of the ways health institutes communicate or market themselves. It does not take a lot of insight and money to improve the satisfaction of your patients. And it will instantly improve the status of your organization.

For Hart.volgers we don’t post desperate calls for people to join our platform. We use quotes from people on the platform. We refer to real questions and answers by the patients and doctors. And this works like a charm. This way of communication creates a high value customer base.

On the platform for Novartis, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies, we made a video about heart failure which had more than 300,000 reach in a couple of weeks. Those results come from non sponsored content with a high relevancy for the target audience.The people in the documentary are actual people from the platform hart.volgers.

We proved with Hart.volgers that communication between healthcare specialists, hospitals and research and development departments don’t have to be so difficult. As long as you’re honest, open and accessible, your patients will love you.

hart volgers


You’re always welcome at Prinseneiland. Call us and reserve time for a first date. 020-6933131 or mail richard@iizt.com

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