A full service army that embraces change as the only constant and result as the only valid outcome. For strategic and tactic communication you need to understand your past, present and future. Socially at your service!

- Richard Derks
- Born in the year of the pig he has a nose for truffles. These are delicious and have value, but you have to look really well in the forest to find these wonderful things that make you smile when the right dose is used on your meal. Some don’t see it, they smell it. You have to meet him to understand how we work.

- Pawel Wawryszewicz
- As a real caterpillar this fellow has the wonderful talent to combine esthetics with mathematical insight. Programming and designing are intertwined and a quiet but steady personality creates miracles when you were still in a meeting. So many legs, so little time.
The Netherlands
N 52 36.352 E 4 92.446
Commelinstraat 13 Sous
1093 TE Amsterdam
t. +31 (0) 20 693 3131
f. +31 (0) 20 693 3374
Commelinstraat 13 Sous
1093 TE Amsterdam
t. +31 (0) 20 693 3131
f. +31 (0) 20 693 3374