De laatste posts : E commerce
Social media trends voor ‘Het Jaar van het Paard’
intelligence, operations
Het Jaar van het Paard zal ons volgens de Chinezen voorspoed en welvaart brengen. Desalniettemin is het toch goed om de ontwikkelingen, in dit geval de trends op sociaal media gebied, goed in de gaten te houden.
(r)etail (r)evolution
Exactly as predicted by e-gurus 15 years ago, e-commerce is hotter than ever. Whether in mature markets, where consumer spending is shifting online, or in growth markets where rapid urbanization and increasing (mobile) internet penetration are unlocking new shopping habits, shoppers are...
JC Rags | Extend your e-commerce to f-commerce
War goal: turn a like, into love, into buy Strategy & tactics: launch the first Facebook shop for J.C. Rags Battle achievements: enormous traffic boost and targeted sales Check out the Facebook fanpage for men's fashion brand J.C. Rags. Where men can be men, get the latest news and deals,...
EN Shop Shock