The latest posts : Mobile


Social media for fashion retailers: loyalty clubs [part 3]

intelligence, operations

You can reward loyalty. With gifts such as coupons, customer nights and loyalty cards. Loyalty cards according to marketing specialist Richard Derks are suitable for many retailers. According to him, it is clear that customers respond very positively to loyalty systems. Via your website or cash register system, physical card or app. Biggest benefit: in return you get a huge amount of data. "Moreover, you build strong bond with your customer, which should be the main starting point," says Derks.
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Social media for fashion retailers: special events [part 2]

intelligence, operations

In episode one in this series Richard Derks explained why social media is so important for reaching your community. It is important to know where your community meets online and what brings them together. Have you joined a group once or do you have your own community built? Then it is time to keep this group together. And how can you do this better than organizing events? "Make it happen", says Derks.
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Social media for fashion retailers: community building [part 1]

intelligence, operations

Community building according to social marketing expert Richard Derks is the foundation of a successful social media campaign. "Starting a new store or branch a retailer knows exactly which name, interior, products and target group suits him. More important than the appearance of your store or the brands that you sell, however, is your community."
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NL Storytelling: vijf manieren om je achterban mee te nemen in jouw verhaal.


(Nl) Wat wil je je achterban nu echt vertellen? Wat is jouw verhaal? Als fashion merk kom je er niet meer met het posten van een paar foto’s van wat sokken, een broek en een shirt. Je wilt een verhaal vertellen, een gevoel overbrengen. Storytelling is hier de ideale manier voor. Maar hoe doe je dat eigenlijk, jouw verhaal vertellen? Daarom geven wij je vijf tips voor de optimale inzet van storytelling voor jouw merk.
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