The latest posts : Respectance

The effect of death on sales
What do Michael Jackson, David Bowie and the 'club 27' have in common? The sale of their music exploded after their death. The relatives of the artists can count on more royalty payment. Their loss, your gain. Death causes attention The death of a public figure goes hand in hand with instant...

From now on your loved one will only be 1 click away
intelligence, operations
Remember your loved ones directly from your cell phone. The tribute is just one click away. Watch this video to learn how to do it.

Must-have: Video content
intelligence, operations
A powerful aspect of content marketing is the use of photos. A photo says more than a thousand words, right? Imagine the power of 60 photos per second in a format. Video content speaks even more than a thousand words. We at IIZT are producing more and more online & social video content.

NL Inhaken op de dood van David Bowie
intelligence, operations
(Nl) De dunne lijn tussen gepast en ongepast bij het omgaan met overlijden van beroemdheden. #RIP David Bowie

MH17: Facebook reach through relevance
In time of grieving media like offer a great outlet for many. There are more than one portal for this dealing with loss. You must make sure that you always live by these rules: actual, relevance and the right tone and form.