The latest posts : Gezondheid

Patient empowerment. We just do it.
intelligence, operations
Healthcare has gone increasingly complex and not everything is crystal clear. Patients are often confronted with subjects they never worried about in their earlier lives. And healthcare professionals also are often overwhelmed by new technologies, new rules and new bureaucracy.

Follow your heart.
intelligence, operations
We realized this project from strategy to construction. We keep it alive offering special theme periods around topics like heart valve diseases, cholesterol issues, heart rhythm disturbances, the female heart and many more health issues that interest this community.

IIZTV : Hart.volgers and Lukas Dekker
During an interview of 20 minutes Richard Derks questions Lukas Dekker, cardiologist of the Catharina hospital in Eindhoven, about their initiative Hart.volgers. It's the first Dutch cardiology platform for heart patients and their families that is moderated by medical specialists.

IIZT project at national TV news
Last Sunday, the 8 o'clock TV news of the Dutch State Television broadcasted our project. Right between the eyes, multimedia, on the NPO, while eating our TV dinners. IIZT and Hart.volgers (heart followers) on your tube.

NL Hart volgers –
(Nl) Het succes dat Ad Langendonk en Lukas Dekker hadden, willen ze nu doortrekken met de website Belangrijk uitgangspunt van de aanpak is de vertrouwde bron: we googlen ons suf, maar wat is betrouwbaar?