The latest posts : Adidas
Adidas originals wanted to celebrate their enormous success in Dutch retail. They have been a hit that went mainstream in Holland. To inject this sports fashion brand with more underground feel we helped them with a mix of pop up parties and online seeding.

The 10 top social media performers (Social War/ February)
Learn how Zeeman left fashion giants far behind and increased their engagement by 988%? Which new tools did Neiman Marcus use to increase interaction over 150%? Can sport and fashion brands cooperate successfully? Yes they can!

19 важных советов, чтобы улучшить ваш Instagram!
В этом выпуске нашего исследования Social war мы смотрим на то, как модные бренды по всему миру используют Instagram . Мы выделили « лучшие случаи » и рассказали вам все что можно делать и нельзя.

19 tips to improve your Instagram presence. (Social War #52)
At the end of this year we analyze our personal favorite social media channel Instagram. We also give you 19 tips to make sure your brand will become a great performer on Instagram next year.

adidas Originals: Unique mass products are popular online (Social War #19)
At April 30th adidas Originals launched the #miZXFLUX app. With this online application it is possible to adjust the 80’s adidas ZX shoe to your very own taste. This week in our weekly Social War Research we discuss how adidas makes her mass products successfully unique for their followers. The successful combination of mobile and coproduction.

The on-going duel between Puma and adidas; Rihanna and Rita Ora. (Social War #16)
adidas has started a collaboration with Rita Ora for the upcoming spring and summer collection 2015. A remarkable step, as competitor Puma joined forces with Rihanna as their new Creative Director a while ago. This week in Social War, a report of the tense relationship between Puma and adidas. A relationship that has separated their birth town Herzogenaurach for over 60 years. But a struggle that also brings both companies to where they are today.