Online Flirting

Flirting online is common ground

Flirting online has become socially acceptable. The boundaries were always very strict. But online behavior, helped by the growing popularity of Social Media, has changed quickly.

People with and without a serious relationship flirt a lot online. Durex has now started an awareness campaign. They have penetrated Holland’s number one social network Hyves with a flirt battle gadget.

Produced by IIZT. And featuring Sascha Visser and Nickie Plessen.

Some results of the research held by Durex about accepted forms of online flirting:

  1. emoticons, especially smileys. 57%
  2. funny texts and words 49%
  3. lines with double meaning 44%

What is still not accepted: nasty pictures and direct and sexual proposals.


You’re always welcome at Prinseneiland. Call us and reserve time for a first date. 020-6933131 or mail

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