Pension Porn

Japanse most famous pension porn stat

Japanse most famous pension porn stat

The biggest trend all over the world is the aging population in the First World. But still the majority of everything I see communicated is all about young kids, cool barely legal models and more of that predictable stuff.

Only on my recent trip to Japan I saw the enormous collection of elderly people stuff (from Tena Lady thing stuff, to household apparel adjusted to less mobile people). This is in ordinary supermarkets and household appliances stores. When do we get to see that in Holland and the rest of Europe?

Still we are very biased. Old people means problems and defects when we think of it in the West. But they also are normal people. How does that work if you get older, do you still have sex, fall in love, cheat on your wife? It is a big mystery. The cool thing is that from the Japanese we know that the gray do like to watch porn. And not just with the usual young suspects, but with elderly people in the lead role. When can we create a concept for a brand that is strong enough to embrace the reality and will put down this taboo of old people liking porn? Bring it on!


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