It was to good to be true. The online equivalent of reciprocity no longer exists. Earlier this week Facebook announced that they will end the principle of “Like-gating”. Like- or Fan-gating allowed brands to make exclusive content available in exchange for a single like. As from 5 November2014 Facebook will halt this principle immediately. No more Like-gating.
We have to come up with alternatives. Alternatives that encourage you to like without making it compulsory. Content that seduces you to promote it, not for the reward, but because of its content. Make sure that the Facebook users are proud to identify themselves with your product or service. They should take action because they like you, not because they want your prizes.
You have till 5 November to come up with solutions. We love to help you come up with solutions and implement these.
You’re always welcome at Prinseneiland. Call us and reserve time for a first date. 020-6933131 or mail