Social time traveling

About 1,5 year ago I started using an application called Timehop Abe – a social media time capsule of me. If you haven’t heard of it yet; its concept is pretty simple and straightforward – the app shows your digital life story told by you – in short; it shows your pictures/uploads of a year ago on that exact day.

You receive an e-mail in case you posted something on that exact day a year ago. You will see your past self. Sometimes it can be rather confronting; e.g. you see an awkward upload/photo and think: “Oh I have moved way forward in a year!” other times it feels like it was a day ago..  And then there’s that day your exes show up in your inbox..

In such a connected world it’s sometimes good to see what kind of things (or bullshit) you posted a year ago, what you felt at that moment, where you were, whom you were with, and more. Pure self-reflection.

Recently a new player entered the market of social time traveling. ThrowBack is an iPhone app that captures a photo but does not save it to your phone. Instead the photo is thrown into the future and emailed back to you and those you share it with at a specific or random time, anywhere from 1 month to 5 years from the date the photo was taken…

Think of the embarrassing party photos you normally share directly on Facebook/Instagram etc… Now you get the surprise of a nice memory some time in the future at a random moment.

In an era where our photos travel around on countless sharing platforms, ThrowBack provides a unique opportunity to forget your memories so they can be remembered again.. One word of warning: use caution when including people you are dating.

Both applications show a new way of rediscovering yourself, as I mentioned before – pure self-reflection. Predicting the future you is way harder than reliving the past you.

Ask yourself; if you could send your future self a message right now, what would it be?

Ps. For those still using e-mail and interested in e-mailing themselves in the future, check

Ps2. Want the featured image as a wallpaper? Click here!

IIZT is a full service communication army. We fight for brands that want to win in the social war. Get more engagement with your clients starts with relevance and understanding their behavior, needs and desires. Make a statement, work with us: contact Raldo Loijens on 020-6933131.

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