Facebook Fan Page – Most important do’s & dont’s


Image from: http://www.allfacebook.com/how-we-got-to-40310-facebook-fans-in-4-days-2010-06


I’ve just dicovered some interesting surveys about maintaining your Fan Page while having small research in this field. Below you can find some rules you should follow to increase number of your fans in short period of time.


1. Landingpage – Each time you are trying to promote your Fan Page through couple of different ads try to redirect user to customized landingpage instead of your wall, encouraging users to click on a “Like” button. It will be smart to offer them something for free later on, such as mp3 files or wallpapers.


The positive response from having something for free will be reflected in your numbers of fans. So don’t redirect users to your wall directly because customized landing page will be much more interesting for them.


2. Asks users to like you in ad – The whole philosophy of building good ad is to simulate a comunication with the user. Instead of trivial “click here to see brand new cover of fantastic book/album” you can use questions “Any fans here? Click like to get news about upcoming album”.


The rule is simple “The more people that click on and “like” your ads, the higher the Quality Score is for that ad”. Facebook rewards high quality ads by cheaper price spent on it (CPC). It means also that you can have lower costs for advertising on Facebook if your ad is highly clickable.


3. Collect email addresses – encourage users to leave their email address, e.g. if you want something for free, leave your email or we have something especially for you – the offer which can’t be refused. You will build a really nice data base of relevant fans which are interested in promotions, coupons etc. You will be able to use it later on while sending your mailings.


4. Use different ads – the main thing is that users used to be bored by your ad. If you keep presenting all the time one version of it you can be sure that lots of people just skip it while navigating through Facebook. Each of us used to learn based on your website’s elements – ads are in the right column, in the left I can find new posts, headlines, and on the top is a logo. While nothing new won’t be presented e.g. ad in right column, noone will be focused on it just because he or she is just familiar with it.


Try to rotate your ads daily.


5. Send updates regulary – try to keep users up to date. The more wall posts you have the more clicks you can achieve.






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