Social Media Zombies

At IIZT we love Social Media – does that make us zombies? With so much interesting content, sometimes it gets a little hard to peel our eyes and brains away from our tablets, laptops and smartphones.

We’ve all had friends who just can’t seem to look away from their devices. Their eyes become glazed. They only answer your questions with simple grunts or hollow laughs. Absorbed in their phones, they lurch down the street with jerky, disjointed steps.

In short, they become social media zombies — not dead, but not quite alive either.

This infographic, put together by, takes a look at several of the most familiar breeds of social media zombie.

Some examples:

  • the “check-in zombie,” who can’t go to any game, restaurant or bar without telling their social networks where they are.
  • the “hashtag zombie,” whose social posts you can’t read #because of their #extreme #overuse of #annoying #hashtags.
  • the “zombie bride,” who wants everyone on the Internet to be a part of their wedding planning process.


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